Looking for a week-long half adventure half vacation trip from the East Coast during Thanksgiving break? Iceland is the answer!
Author: Kathy
We hiked this lovely, relatively easy 1.5 mile loop with views of Franconia Notch, Franconia Ridge, and Cannon Mountain on an overcast winter day.
On an extremely cold and perfectly clear winter day, we hiked up Valley Way to two peaks along the Presidential Range in New Hampshire: Mount Madison and Mount Adams.
On winter solstice, we hiked up Mount Mansfield–the tallest peak in Vermont–taking a relatively short 7 mile route from Underhill Trailhead up Sunset Ridge Trail and down Laura Cowles Trail.
Our first hike in Kings Canyon/Sequoia was to Big Baldy, a beautiful and fairly moderate 4.6 mile hike to an open viewpoint in Kings Canyon.
Deciding to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail (AT) in 2022 was no small task. Developing the confidence to take on this kind of challenge, making logistical arrangements, and placing other life stuff (careers, homes, relationships, etc.) essentially on pause for almost 6 months has taken a lot of energy and investment.
I am both an avid hiker and a PhD student. Over the last four years, I have reflected on how the lessons I have learned on trail apply to my life off trail and vice versa.
We have now hiked Mt. Jackson four times, once in each season. Since completing the NH48, we’ve set a challenging goal of hiking all the 48 in Winter and a follow up goal of hiking all of the 48 in all 4 seasons.