Author: Kathy

October 12, 2020 /
October 3, 2020 /
September 28, 2020 /

As part of the 46 Climbs initiative, we hiked Hawksbill Mountain and a small section of the Appalachian Trail in Shenandoah National Park.

September 28, 2020 /
September 13, 2020 /
September 9, 2020 /

On our last LT section of the summer, we hiked SOBO from Eden’s Crossing to Smuggler’s Notch and enjoyed one of the most beautiful sunsets from Laraway Lookout along the way.

May 1, 2020 /

Our first New Hampshire 48 4,000 footer! On a rainy and humid October day, we hiked Cannon Mountain and were blown away by the beauty of the White Mountains, even in suboptimal weather conditions.

April 5, 2020 /

At a breakneck pace, we drove from Massachusetts to Nevada and back again in about 3 weeks — stopping at 8 National Parks and other landmarks and parks along the way.

December 16, 2019 /
September 17, 2019 /

While not a fan favorite, we loved this 18.5 mile hike of Owl’s Head to finish our 48 4,000 foot journey.